New Baby Checklist
Congratulations, you and your significant other are starting a family! Now is the time to plan for your little one’s arrival. It can be very exciting, but it can also be overwhelming.
But don’t you worry. We’re here to ease your mind.
Everyone has a plan, and, luckily, there’s no right or wrong best practice. However, it’s essential to consider legal preparations before your baby is born. If you haven’t thought about legalities, that’s okay.
We’ve created a list of the top legal practices to set in place when having a baby.
#1 Understand the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, FMLA “provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year.” The act also requires that your group health benefits are maintained during your leave.
The importance of family and medical leave is crucial regardless of where you or your significant other work. Knowing the regulations set forth by FMLA is essential for postpartum planning because it allows you and your employer to prepare for your leave of absence after your child is born.
#2 Acquire Life Insurance
When it comes to your child’s well-being, it’s important to prepare for every possible scenario, even the bad ones. You and your partner should consider life insurance and see what companies best suit your needs. Ensuring your child’s future financial security will give them a solid foundation to build their life upon if something happens to you and your partner.

#3 Create or Update Your Will
Next on the docket is drawing up or revising your will. Life is full of uncertainties; the last few years have proven that, so you must be mindful of any possible life-altering scenario.
A will solidifies that your child or children are cared for if something happens to you and your significant other. There are numerous options for wills, and sifting through will-making companies can be stressful. Focus on why you’re creating or updating your will and select a company that aligns with your preferences and wishes.
#4 Appoint a Guardian for Your Child
As your due date approaches, a thought crosses your mind and sparks a question. Who would you choose to be your baby’s guardian? You have the option to designate a guardian in your will, and you may choose one or several people. If you do have several people in mind, that’s okay! It is suggested to have more than one in case the first guardian is unable to serve.
Here are some things to consider when selecting a guardian:
- Their physical and emotional health
- Their religious background and moral/ethical beliefs
- Their current financial situation
#5 Request a Social Security Number
Once your baby is born, you can request a social security number for your child on his or her birth registration form. You’ll also need your and your partner’s social security numbers to complete the application form.
This article was brought to you by Heban, Murphree & Lewandowski, LLC, a law firm in Toledo, OH with a passion for helping people in their greatest time of need.