Top Tips For Handling Pregnancy While Attending College

Tips For Expecting Moms in School Pregnancy can be a challenging time for any expectant mother. Between the physical changes and emotional stresses of pregnancy, it can be tough to balance all your responsibilities while still taking care of yourself. What are the Challenges of Being Pregnant While In College? For expectant mothers enrolled in […]
Prenatal Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Is Prenatal Depression? Prenatal depression, also known as perinatal depression, is a mood disorder similar to postpartum depression. It manifests as intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, and anger for women still experiencing pregnancy. It can be a severe condition when left unaddressed. Expectant mothers can be treated for prenatal depression, but many aren’t aware […]
Best Part-Time Remote Jobs for Moms

Stay At Home Careers Parenting is a full-time job, making it difficult to hold on to a full-time career. But the income from work outside the home is also appreciated—especially during times of rising prices. Fortunately, stay-at-home moms (and dads, for that matter) have a wealth of options when it comes to finding work opportunities […]
Free Women’s Clinic in Toledo

Women’s Health Services in Toledo, OH Heartbeat of Toledo is an organization dedicated to supporting women facing pregnancy and having questions and concerns. Our goal is to walk beside you in your journey as you grow into motherhood if that is the path you choose, providing the advice and support you need in this special […]
3 Safe Sex Tips for Women

How To Practice Safe Sex If you are sexually active, you need to be aware of the risk of contracting an STI or becoming pregnant. Thankfully, there are ways you can practice safe sex to avoid these two risks, but you need to plan ahead. Here are three ways you can protect yourself while enjoying […]
How To Cope With Unplanned Pregnancy

Tips for Moving Forward Pregnancy can come as a surprise sometimes. Even when it’s planned, many mothers-to-be can find themselves at a loss at what to do. For unplanned pregnancies, it can be even more emotionally unsettling. All that said, it’s important for you to understand that coping with an unplanned pregnancy is well within […]
Caring For Newborn Tips If You Have COVID-19

Safety Tips for New Mothers Taking care of a newborn while saddled with COVID-19 can be challenging. You want to keep you and your baby safe but wonder how to best go about it. While passing the virus to your child in utero is unlikely, your baby can become infected through person-to-person contact. These early […]
5 Legal Things to Consider When Having a New Baby

New Baby Checklist Congratulations, you and your significant other are starting a family! Now is the time to plan for your little one’s arrival. It can be very exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. But don’t you worry. We’re here to ease your mind. Everyone has a plan, and, luckily, there’s no right or […]
You’re Invited to the 2021 Annual Banquet!

We Hope To See You Soon! Heartbeat of Toledo is thrilled to be hosting our annual banquet. After a year of cancellations, the 2021 Annual Banquet will be an evening to remember as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. Learn more about the mission of Heartbeat of Toledo, explore our 50 years of history, and enjoy […]
Best 3 Ways To Support Expecting Mothers

How To Be A Supportive Partner Knowing that you’re going to be a father soon is one of the best news a man can receive. Being a father is a huge responsibility, and the excitement can be overwhelming knowing that another human being will one day look to you for guidance, attention, and love. But, […]